Place for All – Building a Space for Mutual Coexistence

Place for All – Building a Space for Mutual Coexistence2021-11-24T18:20:59+01:00

Place for All – Building a Space for Mutual Coexistence, number of the project: LP-PDP4-001

(českou verzi textu naleznete zde)

Brief summary of the project:

The project responds to the increasing level of hate speech against minorities in public space. It aims to expand and maintain a space for cultivated discussion on discrimination and bias-related violence, which serves as a prevention of hate speech and hate violence, and to equip so-called opinion and decision makers with tools for effective communication of the topic and related issues.

The general public and opinion makers in the selected localities will thus be better prepared for the topic of social inclusion in terms of opinion formation and the creation of a harmonious environment for mutual coexistence. In preventing prejudiced, hateful behaviour, the project will work on three levels of communication – mass media, in shared public space and in direct communication with specific people.

The expected benefits of the project will be increased sophistication and effectiveness of human rights communication, reduction of the intensity of aggression caused by prejudice in the following areas: communication about the problems of vulnerable minorities in mass media and social networks, conflict resolution in school facilities, presentation of measures supporting members of socially excluded communities at the municipal level.

Key project activities:

KA 01 We Will Agree
– We help schools – pupils and teachers to learn the elements of non-violent communication, to recognize and evaluate their own emotions, to get to the bottom of the sources of conflicts and much more. In total, they can benefit from our range of consultations and 18 project days. Thanks to our cooperation with Trygg Learning, a Norwegian organisation, we are also bringing the Restorative Circles method to the Czech Republic. The transfer of Norwegian practice to the Czech environment allows us to focus one whole project day on restorative circles. During the implementation of the project at least 400 people from all over the Czech Republic will work on improving the relational culture of the school through understanding non-violent communication, otherness between people and themselves.

Do you know of a school that would be a good fit for the offer? Send them our flyer or email us directly at

KA 02 PR Emergency
– We support local governments to communicate challenging human rights issues. Throughout the project we work on the premise that if the level of hate speech against one group increases, the level of hate speech against other „vulnerable groups“ automatically increases as well. Thus, the aim of local governments is to reduce tensions in the community (between the community and citizens, groups of citizens, etc.), which leads to the improvement of the position of marginalized groups and ultimately to the improvement of the quality of civil coexistence as a whole. Representatives of local governments will be trained on how to reduce tensions in the municipality and communicate challenging issues in workshops, two of which will be held in each region. We expect at least 150 people to participate, including elected politicians in charge of the municipality or city, officials, decision-makers in the field of communication, spokespersons, communication officers, etc., as well as representatives of contributory organizations of the city or non-profit organizations in the social sphere working closely with cities.

Seminars are prepared for two topics: how to communicate human rights and social issues and crisis communication of human rights and social issues.

More comprehensive support in crisis communication is also offered through 600 hours of individual consultations, which can be used by representatives of municipalities from all over the country.

Are you interested in the activity and want to learn more about it? Would you like to organize a seminar directly for your local government? Email us at

KA 03 Media Education
– We support schools in media education. The Media Workshop App opens up a space to discuss the topic of difference, tolerance and one’s own prejudices with pupils. At least 336 people will be trained in the use of the app in 4 workshops in each region. The app will then be followed by methodological materials to help teachers lead the discussion and follow up with further activities in an offline environment.

Taking inspiration from Germany, we are preparing the My Country Talks app for the Czech environment in cooperation with Die Zeit magazine. Its essence is to connect pairs of people who have very different views on topics that divide society, and who live close enough to meet in person and discuss their views. Participants are recruited through a single question inserted into articles in various web-based media. In the final round, the app’s software pairs people with differing opinions and, after verifying that they are real people and not fake identities, they are invited to meet in person. This is intended to build on good practice that other countries besides Germany have already applied.

KA 04 Hate Free Culture
– We provide space for the stories of people from marginalized groups whose voices are often missing from mainstream media. We bring and share information, expert perspectives and other initiatives. We challenge rumours and respond to hate speech against different groups. More about this activity can be found on the website, FB, Instagram. You can also listen to the new documentary podcast Exteriors.

KA 05 Evaluation
– We conduct research on young people’s attitudes towards human rights. In collaboration with Medián, the initial research was conducted in June 2021. Its outputs are freely available on the Hate Free Culture website.

The project Place for All – Building a Space for Coexistence
is unique in its breadth and ways to achieve the set goals. Slowly, we can influence the space around us – where hopefully we can all feel safer and more understood. The project builds on existing capacities, particularly the practices and products proven in the Campaign Against Racism and Hate Violence 2014-2017.



The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic
Staroměstské náměstí 6
110 15 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Contact person: PhDr. David Beňák, Ph.D.,, tel.: 00420 234 062 405


Project partner:

Trygg Læring (Safe Learning), Norway

The aim of the project partnership is to transfer good practice among professionals working in the field of school mediation. Trygg Læring staff will be involved in the training of trainers in methods to improve effective communication and conflict resolution aimed at reducing and eliminating hate speech in the school environment and in the development of the Restorative Approaches methodology. The partnership will take place within the framework of the activity We Will Agree.


The project is supported under the Human Rights, Roma Inclusion and Domestic and Gender Based Violence Programme of the Norway Grants Mechanism. More information can be found at